All the news and updates here
Our first BTG-hosted AMA – Join us for an hour on Saturday in our Discord at 13:00 UTC. That’s 9:00 NYC, 14:00 London, 16:00 Moscow, 21:00 Beijing. Join ahead of time to submit your questions to be answered in the first half hour; the second half will be for followups and new questions.

BTG Roadmap 2021
The BTG project lays out primary objectives for 2021 and beyond, showing some changes in direction, but continuing on prior commitments.

Phala Network Partners with Bitcoin Gold
Phala Network Partners with Bitcoin Gold to develop Lightweight Cross-Chain Bridges to the Polkadot Ecosystem for BTG and other Bitcoin-Based Chains. Bitcoin Gold (BTG) and Phala Network are happy to announce a project partnership to develop lightweight, low-cost, trustless bridges by leveraging Phala’s TEE-based confidential computing technology. BTG will be the first asset bridged…

Things are Brewing at BTG
You can expect to see regular updates published in the coming weeks on various projects that are underway with BTG. You’ll also see updates and recaps about what we’ve been through and accomplished in the many preceding months.

BTG Core Wallet v0.17.3
We’re thrilled to announce BTG Core wallet v0.17.3! This important release increases the safety of the BTG blockchain against deep-chain reversions by introducing rolling checkpoint finalization. You can download the latest release here: Typical users can shut down...

Emergency update 0.17.2
CRITICAL MESSAGE FROM BTG TEAM TO ALL POOLS, EXCHANGES, WALLETS, SERVICES, AND COMMUNITY RUNNING NODES Please immediately upgrade your BTG Core full nodes to version 0.17.2, published July 2, 2020. UPDATE: if you did not upgrade prior to July 10 at 14:00 UTC,...

BTG Core Wallet v0.17.1
We’re thrilled to announce BTG Core wallet v0.17.1! This major update to our Full Node wallet includes substantial new features for BTG and numerous bug fixes. You can download the latest release by clicking below: Typical users can shut down their node, install the...

BTG Core Wallet v0.17.1 RC1
We’re thrilled to announce the Release Candidate of BTG Core wallet v0.17.1 This major update to our Full Node wallet includes substantial new features for BTG and numerous bug fixes. You can download the latest release here: This release will likely become the final...

LATOKEN Exchange Lists BTG
LATOKEN Exchange Lists BTG, markets opening in BTG/USDT, BTG/BTC, and BTG/ETH.

2019 Progress Update #2
A quick update on what the BTG team has been up to in recent weeks, covering the Ecosystem, Community, and, of course, Development.